The Delaware Chapter began the 5th of July by having their own Tim Carr on Good Morning Delmarva. Tim spoke with the host Jordie Clark live about the importance of protecting our oceans, waves, and beaches and cleanup up after the mess of July 4th! What a great job Tim did representing all Surfrider Foundation volunteers and getting our message out. See the whole clip here - https://www.wmdt.com/2023/07/good-morning-delmarva-explains-the-dirtiest-day-of-the-year/
Then he joined our cleanup coordinator Jana Johnston and 20 volunteers at the lifesaving station in Delaware Seashore State Park for a cleanup netting:
126 fireworks
63 plastic food wrappers
105 bottle caps
226 plastic fragments
29 straws
53 metal fragments
It was hot out there but such a blast. You MUST join us next time.