By Ed O’Connor
March 9, 2016
On Friday night, February 19 at the Milton Theater, nearly 100 Delaware Surfrider Foundation members, local citizens and children attended the Delaware Chapter's Movie night for a screening of two major releases as we as some local short films.
“Dear and Yonder” and “Come Hell or High Water” were featured as well as short films showing some hot local action at breaks on the Eastern Shore and a local Surfrider short created by Dwayne Dunlap. Surfrider raised $1000 to help with ongoing campaigns for clean water, safer beaches and other environmental issues. 12 new members signed up as Surfrider members at the event. In addition to raising money and seeing some great surf films, Surfrider raffled off a surfboard shaped by member Mike Powell. Allen Junst was the winner and in attendance. Congratulations, Allen, let us know how it rides! Thank you to Mike Powell for donating his time in shaping a beautiful board. Special thanks to the Dogfish Head, Po’Boys Creole and Fresh Catch Food Truck, DJ Osiel, The Milton Theater, the Town of Milton and the Movie night and membership committees for making this event a success. Surfrider would like to thank everyone who came out. A good time was had by all and there is already talk about next year’s movie night.

Surfboard Raffle (L to R) Mike Powell, Allen Junst, winner, and Steve Myers

DJ Osiel spinning some funky tunes during the event.

L) Folks lining up for the show! (R) Volunteer Coordinator Dominic Ragni and Vice-Chair Steve Myers selling surfboard raffle tickets.