By Ed O’Connor
On Saturday morning November 21, over 15 Delaware Surfrider members, local citizens and children ascended on the beach and Cape Henlopen State Park at Herring Point to help keep our local beaches clean.
Over 100 lbs of trash was gathered. Most of the trash picked up from the beach was single use plastics while in the parking lot area most of the trash consisted of cigarette butts.
Jim P. at Honey’s Farm Fresh on Savannah Road in Lewes was kind enough to offer free coffee to anyone attending the beach clean-up.
Surfrider performs a beach clean-up at Herring Point twice a year. Once in the Spring and Fall. If you are interested in learning more about our next beach clean-up or other volunteer opportunities, like us on Facebook (Delaware Surfrider), or send an email out our volunteer coordinator, Dominc at
Photos by: Rich King