
Rehoboth Outfall Permit Meeting

Written by jweber | Oct 21, 2016 8:30:59 PM

As they are required to do under the law, DNREC held one public meeting to discuss the six permits that the Rehoboth Beach Ocean Outfall pipe project would need in order to be constructed. There was a pretty good crowd of about 45 people and a few good questions were asked. The problem is that neither DNREC nor GHD (The Engineers hired by the City to write the EIS) had good answers. They couldn't answer the most basic questions like whose responsibility was it if the EIS is found to have errors and omissions. They did not know. They were stumped by questions from Chapter activists Ed O'Connor and Gregg Rosner. More coverage from the News Tribune here.

The most important thing for everyone is to prepare testimony and plan to attend the public hearing where you will get five minutes to speak on this proposal and the permits. Facebook Event is here